Saturday, August 30, 2008

Cleaning off the work bench.

A project I had tucked away was a VE3DNL marker generator kit. I put this together yesterday in about one hour.

I also put together a Rainbow AC Line Voltage monitor kit.

I mounted this into a radio shack project box. There is room to spare, so I will probably add a headset amp or desk microphone switch later.


Then I started constructing a Norcal BLT tuner kit that I also had sitting around the bench.

This is Pittsburgh style (as apposed to Manhattan or islander similar styles) construction with the solder pads carved into the copper clad board.

Next will be a Arizona ScQRPion Paddle Kit that I have had sitting in a parts bin for some time.

The last remaining project will be the AMQRP 908 antenna analyzer kit I ordered when they first came out several years ago. Like I said I needed to clean out the workbench. The smaller projects will hopefully prepare me for the 908 - a lot of SMT components on that one. Once that is done, perhaps I will tackle an Elecraft K1....
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Finished troubleshooting the T-1 antenna tuner today.
I hooked it up to a G5RV and watched it tuneup on five different bands. Not sure what was the problem or whether I was not holding my mouth right, but it really works well. Really excited to have that done and working FB. The FT -817 cable for the T-1 is really sweet.

Made one contact today with a gentleman just down the road. We figured it had to be less than a quarter mile this on 20 m PSK 31. This was on the Yaesu FT -817 on the G5RV antenna. QRP is tough with the current conditions.

Stay tuned….


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